How do I make a complaint?
We guarantee that the goods you order from our site are free from any errors at the point of delivery. Should you receive a defective item, you have the right of complaint 3 years from the time you received the item, if the defect can be originated to our production, stocking, or transport-related fails. If you have received a defective or incorrectly delivered product, please contact our customer service as soon as you discover the default, and no later than 60 days after you have detected the error. To address a complaint we require a written description accompanied by photos of the issue to be sent to us by email. Of course, we are responsible for reasonable shipping costs considering deliveries and complaints
NOTE! In case of a complaint, an investigation is made of the product. Your opinions as a customer are highly valued, so please contact us to share your opinions or concerns. If a product is claimed false or defective after 6 months from the purchase, the proofing that the error was original, lies on you as a consumer. In the event of a dispute, Frank Dandy AB will comply with the recommendations of the “Allmänna Reklamationsnämnd – The Swedish General Complaints Board”. Of course, with an approved complaint, you will be reimbursed for any reasonable shipping costs and other costs that may have arisen in connection with the complaint.
Always contact us by our contact form if you suspect a complaint as soon as possible after the delivery. Please, always enter the order number and/or the email address provided when the order was made, so that we can easily find your order and provide faster service for you.
Remember to always attach clear photos if your case concerns a complaint or a claims issue. All claims should be handled by the original point of purchase. If you have purchased the product in other stores than, please contact the store of purchase to register an eventual complaint.